Gimbal Repair Info
*** We do quick-turn repairs and specialize in DJI products, 1 week or less on most repairs, one day expedited service available on request.
Inspire 1/ Inspire 2/P4/P4P/Mavic Pro/Mavic Air/P3P/P3A/P3-4K/P3S/P3SE/P2V+ Gimbal Repair and UAV Repair
Had a crash and your UAV and/or gimbal needs emergency first aid? Let our expert technicians handle your repair/installation needs. We specialize in all Phantom gimbal repairs.
The Phantom 4's most common damage, same as the P3 and P2V+, repair roll servo joint and replace ribbon cable.
P4 Roll Arm Servo Motor Seperated
Customer said he couldn't wait for his DJI Care, back in the air in less than 24 hours.
P4 Ripped Ribbon Cable
Phantom 3 Professional /Advanced vs. Phantom 3 Standard Gimbal Differences
Roll Ring Arm
Phantom 3 Professional / Advanced Roll Ring Arm vs. Phantom 3 Standard Roll Ring Arm
Yaw Arm
Also, the Phantom 3 Professional / Advanced Yaw arm vs. Phantom 3 Standard Yaw Arm is slightly different, the slot for the flat ribbon cable is in a different place, and the arm is a little longer on the Phantom 3 Standard.
Misalignment shown here, this is a Phantom 3 Professional / Advanced ribbon cable mounted on a Phantom 3 Standard yaw arm, notice the flat ribbon cable doesn't fit into the slot for the roll servo motor. Some yaw arms on the market today, are generic, meaning the slot has been widened, but it still doesn't address the misalignment to the roll servo motor shown here. We manufacture two different yaw arms making ours 100% compatible with the original DJI yaw arm.
Phantom 3 yaw arm flat ribbon cable misalignment
Here is the correct alignment for the Phantom 3 Standard using the correct P3S flat ribbon cable
Gimbal broken? Here are some P2V+ gimbal pictures from ATKdrones customers:
Does your gimbal look like this one? NO PROBLEM, we can fix it!
This is a severed Roll Servo Joint, our specialty is the repairing this joint, we apply a double epoxy seal, making it as strong as the original factory press fit.
We offer an 100% replacement Gimbal Yaw Arm, see our products page for details.
This gimbal yaw arm is bent, we don't straighten bent yaw gimbal arms, we recommend that they be replaced.
This customer had us install a new flex ribbon cable without replacing the yaw arm, deciding to live with the roll error introduced with changes in the yaw direction. In this case we calibrate the roll axis with the camera looking straight forward.
Here is a disassembled gimbal ready for a new ATKdrones flex ribbon cable
Atkdrones P2V+ Flex Ribbon Gimbal Repair Service
Flex Ribbon Cable Installation Notes:
We've had many calls asking us if the ribbon cable can be replaced by a non-technical person, and the answer is YES, but we always suggest the first time installer take the time necessary to go the job right, meaning take the time to take pictures as the gimbal is being disassembled, keep the components separated and labeled so you know where they go for the reassembly process.
Also, check the web, there are a few instruction videos on By all means, go slow and document the disassemble process. The very first ribbon cable we sold to the public in the second half of 2014, was installed backwards and it caught fire, the direct results of improper installation which caused a direct short on the 12V power supply to the gimbal.
In summary, it's not "rocket science" it just needs temperament and it helps to be good with your hands while working on small parts, and give yourself adequate time to get the job done right the first time.
About 50% of those that attempt to install the ribbon cable themselves end up sending their gimbal to us, since the ribbon cable alone doesn't solve many of the "other" gimbal problems.
Ribbon cable orientation at the main board, stiffener down on the P2V+ gimbal.
Ribbon cable orientation at the camera board, stiffener up on the P2V+ gimbal. Same for the Phantom 3 gimbals.
About 30-40% of our gimbal repairs have a damaged servo PCB, we also repair these servo boards for an additional fee, When a correct flex ribbon cable installation fails to restore the gimbal, it's usually because of damage to one or more of the gimbal servo boards.
Pitch Servo PCB.
Drone Repairs Service (overall drone service and repair)
This service includes motors, ESC's, GPS module, compass, remote controller, etc. NOTE: This service doesn't include our gimbal repair service shown above. The $99 overall drone repair fee covers initial diagnosis, up to 1 hour of labor for repairs and final flight testing. Additional labor will be billed at $65/hr. plus parts.
***Please Note*** ATKdrones technicians cannot be held liable for any future crashes or failed parts that may occur after the multirotor has left our shop. All repairs are FULLY tested before leaving our shop.
If you are sending in your drone please include your remote controller and WiFi extender.