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The Phantom 4/Pro/Adv gimbal most common damage is the yaw servo motor/board, unlike the most common roll motor damage of the P3 and P2V+.

We have stock on both the P4/Pro/Adv yaw and roll arms/motors for immediate repairs or replacement.

P4 Gimbal Repair, severed roll servo joint, ripped ribbon.

This customer has DJI Care, but refused to wait 3-6 weeks for his repair/replacement. His P4 was back in the air in less than 24 hours with our Expedited Gimbal Repair Service, contact us for details.

Does your P4/Pro/Adv gimbal do this? We can fix it!

Mavic Pro Gimbal Repair Alert

There are two cables in the Mavic Pro gimbal, one for the camera video, and one for the gimbal servo motors, currently both cables are available from 3rd party vendors.

The camera cable is made up of lots of very small individual (32 ga.) wires in a bundle, this wire bundle doesn't have ANY strain relief on the opposite end attached to the drone,  and can easily be damaged with improper care after the damage occurs. Please secure your gimbal immediately after the accident, don't allow your gimbal to dangle if possible.


Phantom 3 Pro/Adv  ESC/Main Controller Board (Part 33) Alert!

Do not purchase or install an ESC/Main Controller Board (Part 33) with a serial number "C", they do not work ("ESC error") when using the latest firmware, and DJI will not help and cannot or refuses to explain the "C" serial number version compatibility. If the ESC/Main Controller Board needs to be replaced in the older style Phantom 3 Pro/Adv using the 2312 motors, then please updgrade the motors to the 2312A and use the ESC/Main Controller Board (Part 96).

We tried to ask DJI several times about firmware issues and/or compatibility between the "A" version and this "C" version after installing these boards that completely failed brand new from the box, and DJI support would not answer basic questions or provide any level of manufacturer support for this board. Installing the ESC/Main controller board (Part 96) with upgraded 2312A motors has worked every time to date!

Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 USA (801) 448-7810

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